Beach Home Makeover

GDU really enjoys being the company that provides a change in someone’s living space.

WE LOVE seeing our guests light up and experience the joy of seeing their home transformed! Garage doors may seem like a small change in someone’s home, but in reality it can make all the difference for buyers and sellers of that house.

Take a peak at this recent home that got modern glass garage doors in Del Mar, San Diego. Read more

This will change your warehouse!

Garage Doors Unlimited’s manufacturer Amarr is introducing SuperFlex! This Amarr door is going to change warehouse doors for every business! The SuperFlex material is so flexible that impact can push the door back to its normal state. Read more

At GDU we enjoy the entire process of meeting our customers, seeing what they are looking for, then having the pleasure of creating a gorgeous door just for them!

Another fun journey is seeing the Before and After of a project. How adding a new spanking door can really spruce up that already beautiful home.

Take a look at this family’s home in North Park, San Diego: Read more

FYI from GDU

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Labor Day? Why celebrate?

Labor Day is here and it’s hard to believe another some summer has come and gone!
I’ve often wondered exactly what are the reasons/origins for celebrating this day other than the usual 3 day weekend!

Labor day basically is celebrating how far we have come in this country regarding work safety and fairness situations. Read more

Windows & Appetizers

San Diego has NO shortage of delicious places to eat! If you love to get a tasty meal, GDU has some suggestions. We have also had the pleasure of doing the gorgeous windows for each of the spots I’m about to mention! Read more

Common Door Concerns

Garage Doors Unlimited has been in business almost 20 years and have seen quite a few questions and concerns over the years.

We thought we would share some common concerns and tips that will make your installation go smoothly! Read more

Moody Blues: Science behind Color

The power of using the right colors to invoke particular feelings is an amazing art form. It’s intricate enough that universities all over the world have formal studies dedicated to learning about it!

Color affects our mood and our general sense of comfort. Since seeing certain hues can help us make decisions about things at first glance, it’s an important factor to consider when styling your home.

Let’s take a brief look at colors and some of the associations we have with different ones. Read more

License & Registration Please!

The world of home improvement is exciting and fun! Getting the chance to add curb value to your home increases it’s worth and gives the old shack a fresh coat of paint.

You’re probably in the market looking for contractors and handymen to get your garage or kitchen all spiffed up. But what happens if the person you hired disappears? Cracks your wall? or just does a plain BAD job!? Read more