Christmas is 3 days away and if you haven’t gotten your decorations up, it’s never too late!
Decorating the outside of your home is just as important if not, even more so than the inside. Check out our ideas for decorating your garage door this season with a GIANT beautiful bow!
Giant Bows
We found this company that actually makes custom bows for your garage door! In addition to getting one of our new garage doors, you can add these gorgeous bows as a bonus:
They are incredibly easy to add to your garage along with being affordable. The prices range from $49.99- 75.00 depending on the size of your garage. The photo above is directly from
Garage Door Bow Company. Check out their website and see the different custom options you can make for your driveway!
We hope you are enjoying all the festivities of this season along with being beside your loved ones! Everyone from GDU wants to wish your family a happy holidays and a peaceful and healthy new year!