Easy To Use
Glass garage doors are incredibly popular here in Southern California and make a beautiful choice for breweries and restaurants. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, these doors are simply easy to use. Most retail spaces use casement windows or sliding doors that can be difficult to maintain and clean.
Garage doors by nature, require a yearly tune-up that keeps all the moving parts along with the opener (If that is part of your commercial set-up) in working condition. We lube hinges, check sensors, and make sure all 24 points on the door are checked.
These doors roll up and are out of the way and easy to clean! Check out this project we did in North Park, San Diego for a brewery called Second Chance:
These are great for dividing your space or simply using it to bring your outdoor patio on the inside. You add a definitive amount of ventilation to your home or commercial location with these doors.
By using large open windows you will create a sense of depth and comfort for your bar or restaurant. From every vantage point in this brewery, sunlight and a great view is accessible:
If you are interested in one of our glass garage doors or you simply want to see other projects and get more info, check out our Bar & Restaurant Page . If you want to set-up one of our Free Estimates, our design consultants will go over all your options on these doors and any other window, or gate you might be interested in!
Call us TODAY: 1.877.777.3344
Mon.-Fri. 7:30am- 5pm
Closed Sat. & Sunday