Labor Day is here and it’s hard to believe another some summer has come and gone!
I’ve often wondered exactly what are the reasons/origins for celebrating this day other than the usual 3 day weekend!
Labor day basically is celebrating how far we have come in this country regarding work safety and fairness situations.
Grover Cleveland signed a bill in 1894 following the Pullman Strike. The Pullman strike was a situation that came out of Detroit, Michigan where factory workers who created Pullman railroad cars had their salaries cut. Employees were also laid off, while still paying VERY high rent and utilities living in this town that Mr. Pullman created himself.
Factory workers rallied against the unfair circumstances and ended up having 30 people die in response to riots and sabotaging workers.
This is when the bill was signed by President Cleveland to declare the first Monday in September Labor day.
If you read more about this scenario it’s not exactly a happy ending! BUT what we can learn is that employment situations in the U.S. are currently not perfect, but have grown and must continue to grow.
So while we remember that summer is ending and reflect on where we used to be in the work force, we can also look to the future.
We can look to years down the road and remember to always know our rights and value as human beings and members of society. WE are all beautiful humans who contribute so much.
Enjoy your 3 day weekend and remember that working and change are always evolving.